Monday, 25 November 2013

Week 9- Reflection

Week 9 Reflection- Developing Listening Materials

Before completing the tutorial task for week 9, we need to choose 1 chapter in English KBSM textbook in order to complete and answer all the questions given. We had chosen the KBSM Form 2 English textbook, chapter 10 of “Food for Health” (pg. 135). The section of listening in that chapter is “Let’s Tune In”.

After completing the task, I found that the task given in the textbook was authentic and relevant to be used to teach the students. The most crucial was that the activities in the chapter mentioned were presented in different levels of difficulty. So, this can actually suits the students’ performances since the beginning. Listening activity in the textbook enables them to listen for gist and specific information to be extract from the speaker.

The knowledge that I received from this task was that, as a pre-service teacher, it is important to know the level of proficiency of our students as all the activity that we conducted will always need to be created based on our student’s interest and ability to receive and understand certain topics. Meaning that, here we must being considerate enough to fulfil our students’ preferences. This week’s tutorial task also helps me to be more creative in generating ideas to create other interesting activities in the future.

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